Sample Quorum Meeting Agenda

I put together a sample quorum meeting agenda for use in Aaronic Priesthood quorum meetings on Sunday. It could be adapted easily for other meetings (such as Elder’s quorum) as well. I created it to be fairly verbose for young men who are not comfortable directing meetings. Part of my goal in working with the young men is to help them become competent leaders. One part of this process is organizing, conducting, and leading meetings. This is a skill that seems minor but will affect many of their callings in the Church in the future. Here is a PDF file of the agenda: Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Meeting Agenda

Here it is as a Word .doc format that can be edited: Quorum Meeting Agenda.

Disclaimer: this file is not sponsored by the LDS Church. It is not an official Church publication. I am responsible for its contents and any errors are my own. You are free to use, distribute, modify, but not sell the file.

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