Welcome To My New Site

Previously this site was http://ahouseofprayer.blogspot.com. I have now moved to my current host and to a new domain. If you visit the site from an iPhone, iPod Touch, Android device, or some other similar mobile devices you will see the mobile site. You can turn it off if you want to see the normal site. I recommend using the mobile site on your mobile device in order to speed up page loads.

I will no longer be posting updates on A House of Prayer but it will remain online. All previous posts are on the  current site. I will update the feed via Feedburner so it should transfer over for those of you who subscribed to my feed on the old site. Go ahead and subscribe here just in case though. Everyone else, please update bookmarks and whatever else you need to update. I know it is a bit of an inconvenience for you but it was time to have my own domain. From this time forth, my gospel blog will no longer be A House of Prayer; rather it will be By Study and Faith. Same content, same goals, same everything else except for a new name, a new design (it might change; I’m trying out a few templates), and a new name [there’s a gospel lesson in this but I won’t go into it at the moment].

Again, please visit this new blog and begin reading; you might discover something new. Let me know if you have any problems with this site.

Feel free also to connect with me on Facebook and Twitter.

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