As someone who is interested in aging and brain disorders commonly occurring in old age, this most recent Mormon Messages video was particularly touching. I have not had to struggle through the caregiver role but I have known many people who have. I also spent time a few years ago volunteering in an “Alzheimer’s unit” at a very nice care center in Provo, UT. I was around many wonderful people who had Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia. I also have worked clinically with people with dementias and Parkinson’s disease.
The message of the video is powerful. Those who are full of faith can continue to have that faith even when their mental faculties are diminishing and dying. I believe infants can be full of faith, I also believe that those with dementia can have their faith in Christ undiminished. Faith is independent of cognitive ability. I hope you are able to enjoy this video and be touched by its message.