After the fall of the prison many came running to see what caused the commotion. When they saw Alma and Amulek walking out unscathed and filled with the power of God they “fled from the prese
Tag: Amulek
After many days Alma and Amulek were once again visited in prison by the chief judge as well as teachers and lawyers. The chief judge hit them again and taunted, “If ye have the power of God
Alma and Amulek, like the Savior, showed poise amid provocation, “And the Judge smote them again upon their cheeks, and asked: What say ye for yourselves?…And it came to pass that Alma
The narrative continues: “And the people went forth testifying against them – testifying that they had reviled against the law…and [had stated] that there was but one God, and that he sho
The scriptures are rife with people whose experiences and characteristics serve as types and foreshadows of Christ’s life and sufferings. There were two missionaries who preached among a wick