As a father at Christmas time there are two things that particularly fill me with joy – 1) Giving gifts to my children and seeing their joy over those gifts and 2) seeing my children give gif
Tag: father
The following notes are only from talks by the Apostles. Elder M. Russell Ballard – Communication Between Fathers and Sons Priesthood and family are two of the most powerful things in t
In this episode I present an essay about families and fathers. Part of this essay was given as a talk I gave on Father’s Day shortly after I returned home from my mission. The text of that pa
The Puritans also often referred to themselves as “saints.” Members of the LDS Church call themselves saints, not because we believe our behavior is particularly saintly (although it sh
A number of years ago before the invention of electricity but after the invention of outdoor plumbing, my father was born. He was born when he was quite young to goodly parents. They taught him the
I’ve been reading the book Bonds that make us free by C. Terry Warner. It’s life-changing. It’s one of the most important books I’ve ever read. Even though the book is not s