Elder Shayne Bowen of the Seventy shares a great message about the Atonement of Christ in a recent Mormon Messages for Youth video. It is possible to reclaim refuse and make that which was unclean
Tag: MormonMessages
Joseph Smith’s Accounts of the First Vision
As a missionary one criticism I heard from some individuals who were not friendly [antagonistic] towards The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was that there were four accounts of Joseph
“He is not here: for he is risen” (Matt. 28:6) – never were more powerful or hopeful words spoken! With His resurrection, Christ shattered the bonds of death, freeing all from th
Bible Videos in Preparation for Easter
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been releasing a series of brief videos covering the last period of Christ’s mortal ministry (they will release many more videos in the fut
Facing Adversity with Faith
How do you face adversity in your life? Do you allow it to become a crippling experience or do you use it to grow and progress. Do you face it with fear do you attack it with faith? Do you turn inw
Video Introduction to the Book of Mormon
There is a new video on the Mormon Messages YouTube channel introducing the Book of Mormon. It’s a great video to share with friends or family who are not members of the LDS Church. It’
The Purpose of Life
Yesterday, I had some very weighty matters to write about. In my post I talked about some hard things, things that shouldn’t happen but do. Some might wonder in the face of such tragedy, R
Best Christmas Video: They Gave Up Their Christmas
This is my favorite video for Christmas this year. It tells the story of a group of LDS Church members who gave up their Christmas day to serve others even though, for most of them, Christmas day w
Two Brothers – A Mormon Messages Video for Youth
As someone who is training as a clinical psychologist (although I plan on an academic and research career), the following video resonated with me. The gospel of Jesus Christ has great power; that p
Forgiveness – What It’s All About
The LDS Church recently released a video that perfectly summarizes what the Church is all about: That is what it means to be a Mormon – that is what it means to be Christian. Another video th