A House of Prayer Podcast – Episode 4

In this episode I present a talk I gave shortly after I returned home from serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is titled The Weight of Missionary Work. As members of the LDS Church we have the responsibility to share the gospel with those around us in whatever way we can (that is one of the purposes of this blog). Missionary work neither begins nor ends with full-time missionary service. The transcript of the talk has not yet been posted on my blog but will be at a future point. So for now, just enjoy the podcast. 🙂

Update: The post/podcast is now fixed – re-download the audio files if you downloaded them before today!

If you’ve subscribed to my feed, you should receive the audio file automatically. If you have not subscribed to my feed, it’s never too late! You can also click on the following link to download the podcast directly (right-click {or option-click on a Mac} to save the file): A House of Prayer 4 – The Weight of Missionary Work

You can also subscribe directly from the iTunes Store by clicking on this link: A House of Prayer podcast (notice: requires and opens iTunes).

Let me know what you think!

Credit: The short music clip I use as an entrance and exit to the show is an arrangement of Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing from the album Reflections of Christ. Visit that link to find out how you can purchase the music (I’m not associated with the artists; I just enjoy the music).

The podcast album art is an image by Irwin-Scott. Check out his photo stream on Flickr. I thought his photo of the Salt Lake Temple would be a fitting image as a house of prayer. His night-time photo of the illuminated temple surrounded by darkness has a lovely symbolic meaning of the temple as a light on a hill, an ensign to the nations, a lighthouse shining forth in the darkness.

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